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What are the expected milestones of a 3-month old baby?

By Alison Heyerdahl

In the first 3 months of life, parents notice almost daily changes and developments in their infants.  From the moment a baby becomes aware of his or her surroundings and starts recognizing faces, to the first smile, these cherished moments are what makes getting up at all hours of the night worthwhile.   While the nature of developmental milestones described below is fairly universal, babies develop at widely varying rates, with some babies developing faster, and others slightly slower.

At 3 months old, babies have gained 30% of their birth bodyweight and increased 20% of their length.  They are also starting to develop a distinct personality.  At this stage, parents can recognize mannerisms and facial expressions, and often know just what their baby wants (distinguishing between cries of pain and cries of hunger).  In this delightful phase, where the baby is pre-mobile (so you don’t have to worry about them falling into a pool), they are generally happy and inquisitive and are starting to develop a good sleep routine.  Parents are also starting to feel more confident about their ability to look after a newborn.  

What will my child be able to do at the 3-month milestone?

Physical Milestones

The 3-month milestone is particularly exciting, as babies are becoming more aware of their surroundings and their own bodies.  3-month-olds notice that they can reach out to grasp objects, particularly toys that squeak or rattle, and are more intentional with their head (holding it upright), hand and feet movements.   They will also turn their heads towards any interesting sounds in their environment.  Having discovered his or her hands, they will often comfort themselves by sucking their fingers or thumbs, therefore, it’s important to be aware of what objects he or she grabs on to. 

Also, as his or her vision develops, they can track objects and people, and they recognize shapes and patterns such as circles and spirals.  

In preparation for walking, when held under the arms, 3-month-olds will automatically stretch their legs into a standing position.  Sometimes they even bounce up and down in delight at their new-found ability.

Communication Milestones

3-month-olds also begin to develop communication skills, which is important for boosting self-esteem and building trust in their parents.  Parents will notice that their babies respond positively to the voice of those close to them, associating it with love and comfort.   

They are also becoming aware that communication is a 2-way process, and begin to understand tone of voice and emphasis on certain words.  Smiles, gestures, and silly sounds (such as the stringing of vowels and consonants, like “ah-goo”) are common exchanges between babies and parents.  Babies may even start to imitate their parents’ facial expressions and movements.  

Another (adorable) 3-month milestone is that babies will laugh out loud when someone makes a silly face or a dog plays near them.  

In conclusion, although the aforementioned milestones are merely a guideline to a 3-month-old’s development, all babies develop differently.  Parents should consult their doctors if they are concerned that development is extremely delayed, if the baby is not eating or steadily gaining weight, or if the baby cannot focus their eyes.   

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