Leva Celebrates Women’s History Month

The theme of Women’s History day on March 8th is Choose to Challenge. We will be honoring that theme all month long by highlighting and celebrating women, both contemporary and historical, that have challenged societal norms and traditions. These leaders created opportunities for a brighter future for themselves and women following in their footsteps.

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Women’s History Month Wrap Up — 4 Lessons Learned

As we reflect on Women's History Month, we have identified four themes to take away and apply to your life. Familial support matters, change requires challenging the status quo, the importance of teaming up, and you only fail when you quit.

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Katherine Johnson

Mathematician and Physicist

“We needed to be assertive as women in those days – assertive and aggressive – and the degree to which we had to be that way depended on where you were. I had to be.”

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Malala Yousafzai

Female Education Activist

“I think realizing that you’re not alone, that you are standing with millions of your sisters around the world is vital.”

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Georgia O’Keefe


“Nobody sees a flower really; it is so small. We haven't time, and to see takes time - like to have a friend takes time.”

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Patsy Matsu Takemoto Mink


“We have to build things that we want to see accomplished, in life and in our country, based on our own personal experiences… to make sure that others do not have to suffer the same discrimination.”

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Taylor Swift


“There are two ways you can go with pain: You can let it destroy you or you can use it as fuel to drive you…”

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Mary Wollenstonecraft Shelley


“Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose - a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.”

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Marie Curie

Physicist and Nobel Prize Winner

“Have no fear of perfection; you’ll never reach it.”

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Julia Cheek

Founder and CEO of EverlyWell

“If it can be done in five minutes, do it now.”

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Amelia Earhart

Aviator and Author

“My ambition is to have this wonderful gift produce practical results for the future of commercial flying and for the women who may want to fly tomorrow’s planes.”

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Anshu Jain

General Manager, H&R Block Hyderabad

“Get help. Don’t think you can do it alone. It is ok to not have the perfect house, great meals, or do everything for your kids yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for little things. Let it be messy, let it be crazy, and just relax a bit.”

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Émilie du Châtelet

Philosopher and Mathematician

“Let’s endeavour to cultivate our fondness for studying because this liking makes our happiness independent from other people.”

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Dr. Donna Geddes

Professor and Chief Investigator, Hartmann Human Lactation Research Group

“Breastfeeding is everybody’s business. It is a universal, critical part of our physiology and our evolution.”

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Tracy Young

Grammy-Award Winning Music Producer, DJ, and Composer

“We have shattered the glass ceiling together, in a male-dominated industry. I proudly accept this award on behalf of all the female producers who have been overlooked for so long.”

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Suzy Batiz

Founder and CEO of Poo-Pourri

“Yeah, I’m rich as shit—but I’m rich inside. If everything went away tomorrow, dude, I’m good.”

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Julie Rice

Co-Founder and Co-CEO of SoulCycle

“Everybody wants to just matter. People want to be heard, understood, and appreciated.”

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Maria Montessori

Physician and Educational Innovator

“Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future… Let us treat them with all the kindness which we would wish to help to develop in them.”

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Rosa Parks

Seamstress and Activist

“I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free… so other people would also be free.”

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Christina Stembel

CEO and Founder of Farmgirl Flowers

“I tell my team all the time that I messed up. I hope that letting my team know that I mess up all the time allows them to feel safe and know that they aren’t expected to be perfect.”

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Coretta Scott King

Civil Rights Activist

“I can’t help but believe that at some time in the not-too-distant future, there is going to be another movement to change these systemic conditions of poverty, injustice, and violence in people’s lives. That is where we’ve got to go, and it is going to be a struggle.”

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