< Sleep Support

Halie Powell


After a few cruises and vacations, Evan and I decided we were ready to have a baby. A year went by and it was still just the two of us.

No baby. No bump. After 2 rounds of in vitro fertilization, 69 appointments, 85 blood draws, 175 injections, 607 pills, and 1 emergency room scare, we welcomed our miracle son to the world on February 21, 2018.

We made this perfect 9 pounds 9-ounces bundle of joy, I read all the sleep books, and being the Type A personality that I am, I had a printed-out schedule on the fridge for when we brought Lennon home from the hospital. Things were going to be perfect, right? Wrong.  

After a spout of postpartum depression and anxiety, we found ourselves home for 5 months and tired as ever.

Nobody was sleeping and it was only making things worse. I needed an effective but gentle solution and that’s exactly what Sleep Wise gave us.

Once we completed the two life-changing weeks with our consultant, I knew this is what I was called to do. My family was sleeping and now it was time for me to give the gift of sleep to other families.

Rest is not out of reach and you’re not alone!

I know what it’s like to have a perfect plan and to want everything to go accordingly… and then it doesn’t.  I have been there and that’s why I have a passion to help other families get through it and to the other side you have been dreaming of.