< Sleep Support

Susan Lowman


Prior to joining the Sleep Wise Consulting team, I graduated with a BA in Business from Faulkner University with a focus in Economics and have worked primarily in the nonprofit world.

I have focused on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Early Childhood Education, and Child Nutrition for the past 7 years. My work in children’s issues has taught me just how vital the first years really are in a child’s life, and sleep is critical to growth and development during those years. Working with families is truly a passion of mine and I’m so excited to bring that passion to Sleep Wise!

Despite my best efforts and careful planning my son, Benson, had become a terrible sleeper.

I struggled for months to find a solution to my son’s ever-worsening sleep. I knew there had to be something we were doing wrong, but everything I tried, failed. Not only did I want my son to sleep well, but I also wanted to understand why he wasn’t sleeping well. I was completely exhausted and defeated. Realizing that I was not able to solve his sleep issues on my own, I found Sleep Wise Consulting and our lives changed overnight. We were equipped with a plan and the answers we’d been desperately searching for, but most importantly we had the support that we needed. After that moment, I immediately knew I wanted to help other moms and dads conquer their child’s sleep issues.

I firmly believe that a well-rested child can be a reality for every family.

I am here to create a tailor-made plan to get your little one the sleep they desperately need. By working together, you will have one on one support to achieve your sleep goals and you will have a well-rested family again!  Let’s get started on getting your family back to sleep today!