Do Galactagogues Really Increase Breast Milk Supply? 


Breastfeeding has been proved to be the best option for feeding newborn babies and helping them in their growth and development. The World Health Organization (2020, August 24) recommends exclusive breastfeeding within the first six months of life and a combination of solid food and breastfeeding up to 2 years of age. 

So, understandably, when moms experience a low supply of their breast milk it becomes a source of concern but also a potential health problem for their newborn, especially for preterm babies. It’s been reported that 50% of women stopped breastfeeding earlier than planned because of low breast milk supply

Because of this, there’s been a growing interest in the use of medication to increase the breast milk of lactating moms, commonly known as galactagogues. A recent study (Grzeskowiak et al., 2019) analyzed scientific evidence about the effectiveness of this type of pharmaceutical. 


Domperidone is one of the galactagogues that has been researched the most regarding its effects on breast milk supply, mostly about preterm babies. It’s also one of the most prescribed medications among moms with low milk supply problems

This substance increases prolactin, the hormone that causes breasts to grow and produce milk. Researchers in charge of the publication found solid evidence in the previous studies that domperidone moderately increases milk supply in preterm babies’ moms. 

But the study also showed that domperidone side effects should also be taken into account. They range from dry mouth to abdominal cramping and seem to be more usual when the dose is higher. 

So, even if domperidone is an effective and affordable pharmaceutical that could be a great solution for most moms, this galactagogue might not be an option for all


Metoclopramide is a galactagogue that works similarly to domperidone. Researchers found evidence that this medication also increases breast milk supply, however, most studies have mostly evaluated its use with term babies.

The main difference between metoclopramide and domperidone is an increase in the potential risk of depression. This substance can cross the blood-brain barrier, so it can affect the central nervous system. It is important to be aware of these possible side effects as new moms are already at increased risk for postpartum anxiety and postpartum depression.

Other Galactagogues 

Other pharmaceuticals such as growth hormone, recombinant human prolactin, and thyrotropin-releasing hormone, according to the study, have not been researched enough and are also difficult to access, that’s why it doesn’t recommend its use. 

Lastly, researchers believe that it hasn’t been proved that oxytocin and metformin can be used as galactagogues because there’s no evidence that they increase breast milk supply. 

What’s the Best Option? 

In conclusion, the study suggests that domperidone is the best galactagogue pharmaceutical. It moderately increases breast milk supply. Also, it’s generally well-tolerated and its cost is low. 

Metoclopramide is considered to be a good alternative for moms who don’t tolerate domperidone. The study doesn’t recommend other galactagogues, mainly because there’s still a lack of research about their effectiveness and side effects. 



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