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Back To Work After Maternity Leave: Pumping Tips
Our Pumping and Feeding Guide For Returning To Work After Maternity Leave, helps moms who are breastfeeding continue to provide for their babies with a guide that includes discussions with employers, creating pumping schedules, and staying hydrated. The Leva Platform for New Mothers offers additional resources and support.

Caloric Needs for Successful Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is a wonderful and natural way to nourish and bond with your newborn baby. As a breastfeeding mother, it is important to understand that your body requires additional calories to produce an adequate milk supply and maintain your own health. Proper nutrition and meeting your caloric needs are vital for the successful breastfeeding journey.

Colostrum vs. Milk: What New Parents Need To Know
Colostrum is the yellowish milk you produce right after your baby is born. After about 3-4 days, colostrum transitions to mature breastmilk. Mature milk is similar to colostrum, but has a different balance of nutrition, is whiter in color, and is much greater in volume.

Do Galactagogues Really Increase Breast Milk Supply?
Low milk supply is a serious stressor for moms. Domperidone is one of the most researched and prescribed galactagogues for increasing breast milk supply. But is it more effective than other options?