The Psychology of Self-Motivation: Breaking Through Mental Blocks

Article By Vanessa Jupe, Original Meditation By Gia George

motivation and mindfulness

A reader sent me a message recently, asking for help. "Reaching out to see what 'tips' you may have for low (work) motivation please!!" From time to time, we all get into situations where our motivation takes a hit. It can be hard to understand and work through, especially if you’re used to performing at a high level. If you're feeling low on motivation, I hope these tips can help you too!

Identify the Block

Do you ever feel mentally blocked from moving forward or achieving something? This isn’t a random occurrence. There are underlying beliefs, thoughts, and circumstances contributing to your lack of motivation. Let’s break down these blocks with a few powerful questions.

Think of something you feel stuck on. Is there something you’re struggling to find motivation for? Start to unravel this lack of motivation by asking yourself some questions.

Before you get started, take some deep breaths and center yourself in this moment.

Question 1: Can I Do It?

Is it physically possible with your schedule, resources, and skills? If the answer is yes, then your external circumstances aren’t holding you back. Your motivation block is coming from within.

Question 2: Is It Worth It?

Analyze your level of commitment and drive. Are you feeling inspired by this goal? Is the outcome worth your energy and time? Will you be grateful in the end that you worked hard for this? Sometimes you may feel blocked because, deep down, you know the outcome isn’t worth the energy it will take to pursue it. Maybe you could find another path that feels more inspiring and energizing.

If the answer to this question is yes, then your motivation block is deeper than just what is possible and reasonable. It’s probably coming from your emotions and beliefs.

Question 3: Will I Do It?

Now you know that your goal is both physically possible and worth your time and energy. The only thing left is the willingness to go out and do it. What things can get in the way of your willpower? Fear of failure, uncertainty, and not believing in yourself.

Visualize Success

If you’ve discovered that your lack of motivation lies within these beliefs and feelings, it’s time to visualize your success. For the next few moments, imagine yourself getting motivated, taking action, feeling inspired, and successfully achieving your goal. Even if it just seems imaginary right now, you are shifting your beliefs and clearing your mental blocks by visualizing your success. Try this for a few moments now.

Are you feeling more motivated now that you understand the psychology of your willpower? These powerful questions can help you break down your blocks into manageable pieces so that you can identify what’s holding you back. Then you can discover an authentic sense of motivation and take empowered action.

(Inspired by one of Leva's mindfulness meditations centered on motivation. Check it out on the Leva App!)


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