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Pockets of Peace Complete Catalog
Demonstrating Confidence
People are reacting to you based on their own fears, limitations, and setbacks, and their reactions actually have very little to do with you. Rather than trying to get a certain response from others, it’s more important to be focused on what inspires you.
Troubles in the Mind
Mark Twain once said, “I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, most of which never happened.”
Overcoming Burnout
Take a moment to evaluate if you’re feeling any burnout with your work. Have you been feeling discouraged, disempowered, or unsupported?
Thankfulness and Abundance
Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.
The Needs of Humanity
Today, practice reaching beyond the limited perspective of your own life journey, and consider the journey of humanity at large. Envision your connection with all beings on the planet.
What You Give Energy To, You Give Life To
You give your energy to anything that you pay attention to. Energy flows where your focus goes.
It's Just a Phase — So Don't Miss It!
Pause and notice this beautiful, irreplaceable moment in time. This day is a gift. It is worth celebrating.
The World Is More Friendly Than You Think It Is
It’s beautiful to reminisce about the friendly times in life. It can remind you to look on the bright side and find gratitude in positive moments.
To Succeed, Forget Self-Esteem
While self-esteem is certainly important as you venture through your life and career, research has shown that self-compassion may actually be a more important factor in your success.
Everything Psychological is Biological
Modern psychological research has shown that every psychological phenomenon is simultaneously a biological process. In other words, your mind and body are inextricably linked.
Mind Over Matter
What if nothing is happening to you, and everything is happening for you?