Why An App?
“I am so sick of all the misinformation on the internet,” a friend, Sarah, told me over the phone. “I know there is no manual for bringing up a child, but I wish there was just one resource that really addressed the concerns of a new mother.”
Her baby was one month old, and she was struggling with sore and cracked nipples from breastfeeding and was worried about returning to work in just six weeks' time. She continued, “I feel like I haven’t yet established a proper feeding routine, and before I know it, I will have to establish a pumping routine and go back to work. I feel so overwhelmed.”
Vanessa and her son, Roosevelt.
These types of stories are all-too-common among new mothers. Many moms struggle with breastfeeding and pumping and often have to return to work before finding something that works for them and their babies. They also receive all sorts of conflicting and sometimes judgmental advice from well-meaning family and friends, which often adds to their mom guilt.
Vanessa Jupe, the founder of Leva, often said she wished she had someone with her at her 2 am feeds to support her through those difficult times. Someone who could talk her through the correct latch and positioning of her baby or someone to just tell her she was doing it right. She felt so out of her depth on her feeding journey and battled to find resources that would help her on her way.
After an agonizing few months of undiagnosed vasospasm and having her baby, Roosevelt, treated for lip and tongue ties, she eventually succumbed and stopped breastfeeding. However, she continued to express milk for an entire year after his birth, so he still received breast milk. She also supplemented with formula when necessary.
Having spoken with many other mothers, Vanessa realized her story was not unique. So many mothers battled with extreme pain during breastfeeding, and other issues, such as mastitis, engorgement, low milk supply, cracked and painful nipples, and oversupply, among others. But help seemed to evade them. The internet was filled with advertising, making it difficult to find the information they were looking for. And worse still, lactation consultants made them feel guilty about giving up breastfeeding but couldn’t empathize with their issues.
Vanessa returned to work a couple of months after giving birth and faced other challenges. She realized how ill-equipped the American corporate world was to support new mothers (never mind their poor maternity leave policies). Finding a place and time to pump milk was difficult, and her bosses weren’t too delighted if she needed to go home early to look after her baby.
An avid researcher, Vanessa was sure that there must be resources that helped mothers. It was the 21st century, after all, and having babies was not a new phenomenon. Unfortunately, she learned that, for the most part, new mothers had to navigate this journey on their own.
Vanessa saw a wide gaping hole in the market that needed filling. Her vision was to create a one-stop app where mothers could find lactation and sleep support, career coaching for re-entering the workforce or elevating their careers, and health advice for both babies and mothers within a wholesome, non-judgmental community. She also sought to provide mothers with support for maternity leave and point them toward the relevant resources, so they understood their rights as mothers.
Two years later, Vanessa’s vision has materialized in the development of the Leva App. One of the most well-rounded and inclusive baby apps on the market to date, the app:
Tracks breastfeeding, including which side the mother is feeding from and how long the feeding session lasts.
Tracks pumping sessions and bottle feedings.
Tracks diaper counts, including wet and dirty diapers, and consistency and color of the stool to give moms an idea of whether their baby is feeding well.
Has a milestone tracker. It provides information on what milestones babies should reach and at what age (according to the CDC), and provides advice on what to do if their baby is not achieving the milestones.
Has over 200+ high-quality, well-researched, and science-backed articles written by lactation consultants, pediatricians, doctors, physical therapists, psychologists, and career coaches.
Provides access to real one-on-one help with live consultants and coaches.
Provides on-demand video content developed by experts.
Join a community of supportive women and connect via chat and facilitated live group discussions.
The app’s biggest differentiator may be how mindfulness meditations are woven into the experience. It has a library of over 100 meditations with exclusive content focused on breastfeeding or pumping, which has been scientifically proven to promote milk flow.
We believe in putting women at the center of everything we do, which is why, throughout the development process, many pregnant and breastfeeding moms have tried the app. Their feedback and ideas have been incorporated into its development.
Although Leva is still in its formative stages, it has made great strides in such a short period. This success is largely due to Vanessa’s leadership and vision for the company. Her goals for Leva are appropriately lofty, and she feels that women deserve more support in their life journeys. She envisions expanding Leva’s offering into women’s health, including yoga, support for women starting in the workplace post-college, women transitioning through menopause, and even through to retirement.