Troubling Emotions
Wellness for Moms Leva App Wellness for Moms Leva App

Troubling Emotions

Meditation is a powerful means for exploring troubling emotions, allowing us to mentally label them. Labeling our emotions helps us to cut the attachment with these negative emotions and develop healthy responses to them. When you go inwards and fully experience these emotions without judgment, you become disentangled or “unstuck”.

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Getting Started With Solids

Getting Started With Solids

Empower Your Baby's Journey to Solid Foods with Levaapp

Embark on the exciting adventure of introducing solids to your little one with Levaapp's comprehensive guide. Discover when and how to introduce purees, move onto chunkier textures, and embrace self-feeding. Equip yourself with expert advice on introducing a sippy cup and spoon, all while ensuring your baby's nutritional needs are met with wholesome, delicious foods.

Keywords: solids, baby food, purees, sippy cup, spoon, nutrition, healthy eating, weaning, parenting

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Motherhood and Eating Disorders
Postpartum, Wellness for Moms Leva App Postpartum, Wellness for Moms Leva App

Motherhood and Eating Disorders

This is an article about eating disorders during pregnancy and postpartum. It discusses the causes, risks, and effects of eating disorders on both mothers and babies. The article also provides information on how to get help and cope with an eating disorder. Some of the important points from this website are that eating disorders can have serious consequences for both mothers and babies, and that it is important to seek help if you are struggling with an eating disorder.

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Embracing The Unknown: A Journey Of Growth, Curiosity, and Connection
Wellness for Moms Leva App Wellness for Moms Leva App

Embracing The Unknown: A Journey Of Growth, Curiosity, and Connection

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth as you delve into the empowering message of embracing the unknown. This article highlights the significance of curiosity, encouraging you to step outside your comfort zone and explore new horizons. Uncover the transformative power of challenging assumptions and embracing life's unexpected turns. Keywords: embracing the unknown, curiosity, personal growth, overcoming fear, self-discovery, challenging assumptions, new experiences

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An Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol, And How It Pertains To You

An Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol, And How It Pertains To You

Recently, the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine released its protocol for “Managing Nighttime Breastfeeding in Young Infants”. Here at Leva, we are firm believers in supporting mothers, and evidence-based practice. So, what does this lengthy protocol say, and how does it apply to you?

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Breastfeeding With Hepatitis
Postpartum, Wellness for Moms Leva App Postpartum, Wellness for Moms Leva App

Breastfeeding With Hepatitis

Out of the many blood tests pregnant women receive, screening for hepatitis will be one of them. This is because a woman that is infected with hepatitis may pass the viral infection to her baby during the childbirth process. Hepatitis is a liver infection that is primarily transmitted through blood exposure which can easily occur during both vaginal and cesarean births. Hepatitis A and C are considered curable and people with hepatitis B usually clear the infection on their own after a few months, but some develop a chronic case and may test positive for a lifetime.

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Reimagining Infant Feeding: Prioritizing Maternal Mental Health as the Path to Success

Reimagining Infant Feeding: Prioritizing Maternal Mental Health as the Path to Success

The traditional "breast is best" message has been harmful to many mothers who struggle to breastfeed. The "fed is best" philosophy, on the other hand, recognizes that every mother's journey is unique and that feeding decisions should prioritize both the mother and child's overall health and well-being.

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Traveling as a Breastfeeding Mother
Wellness for Moms, General Leva App Wellness for Moms, General Leva App

Traveling as a Breastfeeding Mother

The thought of long hours in planes, trains, and automobiles while in the midst of your breastfeeding journey can be a daunting one!  From how to keep your milk cool, TSA restrictions, and the sometimes confusing list of storage guidelines to the thought of being away from your typical routine and supplies (like a refrigerator!) is enough to make some mothers shy away from travel.  The good news is that there are protocols in place to protect you as a breastfeeding mother on the go, and with the right plan in place, travel is still feasible.  

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Empowered Women: Listening to Ourselves
Wellness for Moms Leva App Wellness for Moms Leva App

Empowered Women: Listening to Ourselves

Throughout history, women have faced great societal pressure, which made it challenging for

them to follow their own instincts. However, as times change and women become more

empowered, it is essential for each woman to recognize the importance of listening to herself

rather than succumbing to the opinions of others. By honing in on our inner voice, women

can begin to make better life decisions that align with our goals, dreams, and overall well-

being. In this article, we will explore why women should trust their own judgment when

making life choices.

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Holistic Postpartum Wellness
Postpartum, Wellness for Moms Leva App Postpartum, Wellness for Moms Leva App

Holistic Postpartum Wellness

To say that the first year of motherhood is a challenge is a bit of an understatement. Your physical and psychological well-being is in full mode recovery. You are also under constant attack by a never-ending onslaught of stimuli that demand your full and undivided attention to keep that little human alive. Transitional changes that you have to undergo once you step into motherhood can leave devastation in their wake if you don’t have a plan to manage them well. A holistic approach will help you manage this transition physically as well as mentally and spiritually.

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Women Supporting Women
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Women Supporting Women

Countless women around the world face unthinkable horrors on a daily basis. They fight to keep their freedom in the face of devastating challenges. You can just click on any news channel and witness stories of gender bias, shameful neglect, and horrific abuse. What is even more frightening is just how many women in my vicinity still suffer in silence.

We all need as much support from our “sisters” who know and understand the depth of our struggles.

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How to Begin Exercising Postpartum
Wellness for Moms Leva App Wellness for Moms Leva App

How to Begin Exercising Postpartum

Baby is finally here, and your days look completely different than they once did. This time in a mother's life is crucial, yet all attention is on her baby. Feed, sleep, change, repeat. For the first year of a baby’s life, there are numerous doctor appointments to check up on your baby’s health, yet - moms only have one 6-week “clearance” appointment.

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Everyone Knows About The Baby Blues But What About Postpartum Anxiety?

Everyone Knows About The Baby Blues But What About Postpartum Anxiety?

Becoming a mother is an incredible journey filled with joy, excitement, and love. However, it can also be an overwhelming and stressful experience, particularly for first-time moms. While it’s common to experience some anxiety after giving birth, these feelings can become severe for some women and interfere with daily life.

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Best Postpartum Exercises for New Moms
Wellness for Moms Leva App Wellness for Moms Leva App

Best Postpartum Exercises for New Moms

The fourth trimester is one that no one really talks about, yet it is one of the hardest for moms. Navigating your routine with a newborn is quite the task. Moms begin to feel out of touch with reality as they are sucked into the ongoing cycle of feeding, sleeping, changing, repeat. Trying to figure out your day seems impossible, and you often feel like you have lost touch with the woman you once were.

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Why An App?

Why An App?

Vanessa’s vision has materialized in the development of the Leva App. One of the most well-rounded and inclusive baby apps on the market to date, the app:

Tracks breastfeeding, including which side the mother is feeding from and how long the feeding session lasts. 

Tracks pumping sessions and bottle feedings. 

Tracks diaper counts, including wet and dirty diapers, and consistency and color of the stool to give moms an idea of whether their baby is feeding well. 

Has a milestone tracker. It provides information on what milestones babies should reach and at what age (according to the CDC), and provides advice on what to do if their baby is not achieving the milestones. 

Has over 200+ high-quality, well-researched, and science-backed articles written by lactation consultants, pediatricians, doctors, physical therapists, psychologists, and career coaches.  

Provides access to real one-on-one help with live consultants and coaches.

Provides on-demand video content developed by experts. 

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Breastfeeding and Mental Health

Breastfeeding and Mental Health

If you've experienced anxiety or depression in the past, you may have learned coping skills and be better prepared for dealing with postpartum depression. Unfortunately, sometimes mothers who have never experienced anxiety or depression find themselves in the depths of postpartum depression when their babies arrive. It has been found that up to 80% of women experience "baby blues" postpartum.

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