Recent Articles
From Baby Brain to Boardroom Badass: Rekindling Your Work Mojo After Baby
Let's be honest, the transition back to work after having a baby can feel utterly overwhelming. It's completely normal to experience a dip in motivation, fueled by a mix of exhaustion, hormonal changes, and the emotional (and physical) weight of juggling it all.
Own Your Success: Ditching Self-Sabotage for Working Women
The empowering truth is: We are enough. We don’t need to have it all. That’s not even possible. We need to simply acknowledge and believe that we are deserving of success and happiness in our professional and personal lives.
Overcoming Overwhelm
Recently, I found myself in San Antonio due to a family emergency. One practice that has been incredibly helpful during this time is a meditation technique called SEE: Separate, Embrace, Evaluate. I'd like to share this with you, hoping it might bring you some comfort and clarity as it has for me.
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
Good news for all the moms-to-be out there! Have you heard about the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA)? It’s a law that makes it easier for pregnant workers to get the accommodations they need to do their jobs. It was passed in 2023 and went into effect in June 2023.
Retaining Employees After Parental Leave: Creating A Customized Plan to Increase Retention and Engagement
Learn how to retain your employees after parental leave by providing meaningful work and supportive policies. Discover the key factors that contribute to employee retention and the benefits of investing in your employees.
Bouncing Back from Layoffs
I have been laid off during every single recession. That’s three times total in my life so far. I guess that makes me a layoff expert. Let me share with you how I have gotten through these experiences. I hope it helps!
Why An App?
Vanessa’s vision has materialized in the development of the Leva App. One of the most well-rounded and inclusive baby apps on the market to date, the app:
Tracks breastfeeding, including which side the mother is feeding from and how long the feeding session lasts.
Tracks pumping sessions and bottle feedings.
Tracks diaper counts, including wet and dirty diapers, and consistency and color of the stool to give moms an idea of whether their baby is feeding well.
Has a milestone tracker. It provides information on what milestones babies should reach and at what age (according to the CDC), and provides advice on what to do if their baby is not achieving the milestones.
Has over 200+ high-quality, well-researched, and science-backed articles written by lactation consultants, pediatricians, doctors, physical therapists, psychologists, and career coaches.
Provides access to real one-on-one help with live consultants and coaches.
Provides on-demand video content developed by experts.
My Breastfeeding Journey - Agony, Control and Surrender
Breastfeeding is supposed to be easy, right? Hardly! Thrush, low supply, vasospasm, tongue tie, and clogged ducts, we went through it all. And came out a year later still loving each other.
Emotional Agility
Emotional agility isn’t about ignoring difficult emotions and thoughts. It’s about holding those emotions and thoughts loosely, facing them courageously and compassionately, and then moving past them to make big things happen in your life. Read on to find out more about how having emotional agility can set you up for success in your life and career.
Let’s Talk About Maternity Leave in California
Let’s Talk About Maternity Leave in California.
Employers are not required to pay employees their wages during maternity leave, but many do. In some cases, you may still be eligible for some form of paid leave as most California employees have a right to California’s state disability insurance during their leave. Yes, as weird as it may seem, pregnancy and childbirth are considered disabilities.