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What Can Babies See?
It is always a joy to see a baby. Having a baby gives light to a room and a smile to people's faces. But have you ever wondered what babies can see? When do they start to see our smiles? Even before your baby learns to sit, crawl, walk or talk, your baby’s eyes are already silently observing and absorbing information about the surroundings. In this article, you will find out how your babies develop their vision, when babies start to see, how their vision develops, and how to bond with your babies with their vision development in mind.

How Does Vitamin D Deficiency Affect Development?
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for our health, as it helps regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphate in our bodies. It is needed to grow strong bones, muscles, and teeth. Its deficiency is associated with different health issues. The consequences of vitamin D deficiency in infancy usually appear as seizures caused by too low blood calcium, difficulty breathing, and rickets, a condition that affects bone development in children and causes bone pain, poor growth, and soft, weak bones that can lead to bone deformities.

Putting the Cap on Cradle Cap
Cradle cap is a self-limiting disease, meaning it resolves on its own. However, because it is a chronic inflammatory disease, it might take some time for the condition to improve and disappear. For some babies, it can last months or up to a year.

Sunken Fontanelle
Your baby’s body is constantly growing and changing, and as they grow some structures will change or disappear completely. There are a few body parts that are only present in the first few months of their life. One of these structures is the fontanelle. This article will outline what the fontanelles are, why they are present and when they go away.

When Do Baby Teeth Come In?
It often seems that parents prepare for their little one’s first teeth from the moment their children are born. It’s common to see baby registries with requests for teething gels, teethers, and cute little toothbrushes. In fact, the first tooth is often a celebrated milestone for many parents. This poses the question, when do baby teeth come in? Can one be too early or too late in getting their teeth?

Your Baby At Six Months Old
At six months old, your baby is halfway to her first birthday, and she will be very interested in the world around her. Soon you won’t be able to contain her in one space, secure that she will stay put, because crawling is around the corner. This is also the month that you will start her on solid foods, if you haven’t done so already, and will also be the month that she will start to sit unsupported.

Why is Baby Poop Green?
Taking care and cleaning up after your baby poops can be a tricky and messy business, but there are some essential things that you have to know about your baby's poop. In this article, you will learn about baby’s poop: what normal poop is, what the color and consistency of poop mean, when should you be concerned about your baby’s poop, and when a doctor’s visit is warranted.

Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
Meconium is the thick, sticky, tar-like substance that your baby excretes into her diaper after birth. It is made up of all the dead skin cells, proteins, fats, intestinal secretions, and all the other matter your baby swallowed while in the womb. After delivery, your baby will pass meconium stools for the first few days of life. Sometimes, if your baby is distressed, she will have a bowel movement before birth and will excrete the meconium into the amniotic fluid. This can present a problem known as meconium aspiration syndrome.

To Dream Feed or Not to Dream Feed?
Let me paint you a picture. You get your baby ready for bed and put her to sleep for the night. She has been asleep for a few hours, and you are prepared to go to bed now too. You sneak into the room where your baby is sleeping, pick her up, and quietly feed her. Once you are finished feeding her, you lay her back down in her sleep space. You do this all while trying to keep her asleep. This is known as a dream feed because your baby doesn’t naturally wake up hungry.

What Causes SIDS and How Can it be Prevented?
As a new parent, the mention of SIDS can send shivers down your spine and get you up all night checking on your (finally!) sleeping baby. But you can rest assured, knowing that the incidence of SIDS is very low. In fact, only 0,0009% of babies succumb to SIDS, and there is a lot you can do to prevent it.

Your Baby At Five Months Old
The fifth month is usually a transitional time of exciting developments in your baby's life. His muscles have developed in preparation for sitting, crawling, and even standing with support. He can roll from his back to his tummy and is starting to make sounds reminiscent of speech. You will also have noticed that your baby has almost doubled her birth weight. Read on to find out more about what you can expect in the fifth month.

Abdominal Distension in Babies
Abdominal distension occurs when substances, such as air (gas) or fluid, accumulate in the abdomen causing its expansion. It is typically a symptom of an underlying disease or dysfunction in the body, rather than an illness in its own right.

Your Baby At One-Month-Old
You’ve made it through four weeks of parenting a new-born! Most parents don’t realize how difficult having a baby can be, and the first month of parenting can be a shock to the system. The sleepless nights, trying to get used to the two-hourly feeding sessions, worrying about the color of your baby’s poop can all be overwhelming, to say the least.

Your Baby At Two Months Old
The eight-week mark is usually an exciting milestone for new parents. At this stage, you may notice that your baby occasionally flashes you an adorable smile and is beginning to recognize different faces. You've also made it through the toughest stage of newborn parenting, with the sleepless nights, learning how to breast (or bottle) feed, and adjusting to a new family dynamic. You'll be glad to know that within four to six weeks; your baby will begin to sleep through the night (or at least give you a bigger break between feeds) and learns new skills every day.

How Many Naps Should My Baby Get?
Let’s dive deeper into four different age categories and discuss your child’s sleep as they transition through each developmental stage. Often, the number of naps will be dictated by the amount of awake time they can tolerate. So as your child grows month by month, they can slowly add more wake time to their days.

Improving Your Feelings of Self-Worth
Can you really and truly say that you love yourself and are proud of who you are? If that’s not something you can fully embrace, you are not alone—and there is nothing wrong with you! Lacking self-confidence and experiencing feelings of low self-worth are actually more common than most of us realize, especially for women. And this is compounded tenfold when we become mothers.

All About Swaddles
Swaddling helps babies transition from being in the cozy confined space of the womb to adapting to the outside world. It provides comfort, security, and warmth in the early months. The slight pressure of the swaddle around their bodies gives newborns a sense of security. As they grow, babies need to be weaned off the swaddle. Read on to find out more about swaddles and how to transition your baby off the swaddle.

Breastfeeding and Cavities
The composition of breast milk is unique and complex and contains naturally-occurring fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and sugars that are crucial for developing an infant. Studies show that breast milk alone does not cause cavities. At around the six-month mark, when a baby starts with solids, they start developing plaque on their teeth. This plaque activates the bacteria in an infant's mouth, resulting in cavities.

Heat Rash in Babies
Heat rashes can be difficult to deal with. In addition to keeping your little one up all night, scratching those itchy bumps, it can be uncomfortable and downright painful. In this article, you will learn about heat rashes, what to do when your baby has a heat rash, and how to avoid them.

Caring for Your Baby’s First Teeth
We receive a lot of conflicting advice about how to care for our baby, teeth included. This article outlines the measures you should take to help your baby deal with the discomfort of teething, when to start brushing, and when to visit your pediatric dentist.