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Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
Good news for all the moms-to-be out there! Have you heard about the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA)? It’s a law that makes it easier for pregnant workers to get the accommodations they need to do their jobs. It was passed in 2023 and went into effect in June 2023.

Traveling as a Breastfeeding Mother
The thought of long hours in planes, trains, and automobiles while in the midst of your breastfeeding journey can be a daunting one! From how to keep your milk cool, TSA restrictions, and the sometimes confusing list of storage guidelines to the thought of being away from your typical routine and supplies (like a refrigerator!) is enough to make some mothers shy away from travel. The good news is that there are protocols in place to protect you as a breastfeeding mother on the go, and with the right plan in place, travel is still feasible.

“You’re Cleared!” Postpartum Sex: What to Expect and How to Prepare
You are just now feeling semi-human again at your 6-week appointment, and your doctor clears you for SEX… Now what??

How To Support Your Spouse Through Infertility
Infertility affects 1 out of every 6 couples worldwide, yet it’s an incredibly isolating experience. Society tells us to not speak about these issues, for fear of looking inadequate in some shape or form. This stigma causes us to turn inward and compartmentalize our unresolved feelings, when what would help the most is finding someone else that’s going through it too.