Supporting Mothers and Families with Innovation

Leva is for new and expectant mothers. We connect moms with experts in all forms of baby feeding, prenatal and postpartum wellness and assists in tracking feeding and baby’s growth. We are an app-based community that educates and empowers mothers and parents of babies aged 0-12 months.

Leva is holistically focused on supporting moms… because you matter.

Access to the Leva App starts free

After an initial trial period, You can pay a monthly subscription ($10) or an annual discounted subscription ($99).

With Leva you have:

  • Nursing tracking - track the time spent nursing from each breast. And be reminded about which breast you nursed on last.

    Pumping tracking - track the quantity of breastmilk you pump per session by left or right breast and keep track of your output versus demand.

    Bottle tracking - track the number of bottles and amount of fluid (milk, formula, or water) your baby drinks.

    Diaper tracking - track every diaper change. For wet diapers, store the quantity. For bowel movements, store the color, consistency, and quantity.

    Baby's growth tracking - track how your baby grows by height, weight, and head size and see where they are on a WHO growth curve.

    Charts are available for every item listed above to see time, quantity, and output tracked by day or week.

    Easily add missing items or edit/delete existing entries.

  • Store multiple children’s info, such as your babies’ names, due dates, birth dates, and genders.

    Be reminded of upcoming milestones.

    Track how your little one reaches these milestones, and get helpful support and information.

  • Store important information about you and choose your interests so relevant content is always presented on the home page of Leva App.

  • Access 250+ articles based on the interests you've selected.

    Content covers topics pertinent to new moms, such as pregnancy, milk supply, post-partum, latching, returning to work, pumping, depression, anxiety, and more.

    Add articles to your favorites so you can quickly and easily revisit them.

  • Access a library of 100+ meditations to support your well-being.

    Easily listen to meditations with one-tap access while nursing or pumping to improve your milk flow.

    Add meditations to your favorites to quickly revisit them.

  • Book a virtual meeting to receive non-judgmental support with lactation consultants, sleep experts, personal trainers, career coaches, and mental health professionals!

    Communicate your needs and concerns with your consultant before the appointment.

    Be reminded of the upcoming appointment so you don't miss it!

  • Connect anytime and with facilitated live group discussions.

    Chat with like-minded women in our community to share your successes and get support through your struggles.

Access to the Leva App starts free.
After an initial trial period, you will receive a prompt alerting you that the free trial is over.

You can then pay a monthly subscription ($10) or an annual subscription ($99).

Our platform is funded by wonderful users like you, and not advertisements, which allows us to provide exceptional service and content.

What our Customers are saying

  • “This is really clean and modern feeling. The icons used to represent feeding and pumping are so fun, they kind of make me want to pump! I used a couple different apps early on in our feeding journey and this one is by far simpler and more user-friendly.”

  • "I love the simplicity of the tracking and the ability to track details for nursing and diaper changes. Super easy to use. Very clean look."

  • "I loved the app! Easy to navigate and super helpful. What I loved most was the meditation while nursing/pumping. That’s unique and so helpful. I loved the videos and blogs."

  • "I used a couple different apps early on in our feeding journey and this one is by far simpler and more user-friendly."

  • "Being able to track my pumping output has really helped me get on track and increase my milk supply!"

  • "I really love how clean and modern it is. The poop description options are on point. The meditations are probably my favorite part of the app and a huge differentiator. Sometimes my milk slows way down while pumping at work, and I realize it's because my mind is on something stressful. Listening to a meditation or one of your short videos is way healthier."