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Pockets of Peace Complete Catalog
Celebrating Others
The willingness to celebrate others comes from an abundance mindset. When you genuinely want others to win, it means that you aren’t competing for scarce resources and you trust that there is enough for everyone.
Beyond Thought
Meditation offers you a chance to not only witness your thoughts but also to explore what’s beyond your thoughts.
Mindset - Prepare for Challenges (Copy)
Believing that you will overcome any obstacles that arise is the key to remaining positive and realistic about your goals.
Since Feeling Is First
When you follow your feelings, you may experience high highs and low lows. But each peak and valley offers beautiful lessons and insights.
Importance of Sleep
Ensuring that you’re getting plenty of sleep is an important part of your wellness routine and healthy lifestyle. Set the intention of prioritizing sleep this week, and notice how much it benefits your mind.
Expectation and Acceptance
I expect nothing and accept everything, and it makes life so much easier
Managing Anxiety
Keep your attention on the present moment and observe that, right here right now, you are safe. You are grounded, And all is well. If your mind trails off to anxious thoughts, redirect your attention to something positive, such as an empowering affirmation or a beautiful object in your environment.
Dealing with a Bad Boss
Your job is probably a big part of your life, and your boss may be a big part of your job, but do they make up the entirety of your reality? No. You have a life outside of work. And even within your work, you have the power to create your own happiness regardless of how anyone else behaves.
Setting Boundaries/The Power of No
Take a moment to reflect on your boundaries and how comfortable you are with saying “no.” Are there relationships and situations in your life that need a stronger boundary? If so, envision yourself confidently honoring your needs.
Stop Apologizing
Envision yourself showing up to life with confidence and self-assurance. You don’t need to apologize for taking up space. You are worthy, you are strong, you are grounded.
"Me Time" is Essential
Being alone with yourself can help you discover more clarity about how you feel, who you are, and what you want. When you’re alone, you come face to face with your inner truth.
When you Know Better, Do Better
When you allow every challenge to teach you something, you empower yourself with the wisdom and insight to do better next time. This is an inspiring journey of awakening and personal development.
Nothing to Prove
Imagine letting the opinions of others fade out of your mind. All that you’re aware of now is your own opinion of yourself. Your approval is the only one you need to seek.
Playing the Game
Diving into the game of life means welcoming change, trying new things, exploring possibilities, and embracing adventure. Of course, any of these things could lead to disappointment or discomfort. But the risk of loss is worth the possibility of gain.
Your Full Being
Contemplate what energy you’d like to bring with you today. For the next few moments, envision being aware of the fullness of your being and moving through your day consciously expressing the energy of your choosing.
Saying Goodbye to Aspects of Yourself
Change can be a scary thing to adjust to, and we often fear saying goodbye. But it’s as natural as breathing in and out. Change is an integral part of life.
Anger as a Tool
Anger is a sign of deep passion. When you feel angry, you know that it’s something you truly care about because it moves you so powerfully. And it’s a beautiful thing to care. Rather than avoiding your anger, you could seek to be fueled by the passion that’s there.
Exploring Job-Person Fit Part 7: Meaning
The truth is, no matter what kind of job you have, you can make it your life purpose if there’s meaning in it for you. You could be a garbage collector and decide that this is one of the most important jobs in the world: to take care of the earth and keep it clean.
Exploring Job-Person Fit Part 6: Fairness
Sometimes it’s painful to look at the discrimination taking place at work. Many times it goes unnoticed and flies under the radar. But it’s essential to bring these discrepancies into the light in order to improve upon them.
Exploring Job-Person Fit Part 5: Psychological Safety
You get to assign meaning to the events and conversations that take place at your job. Sometimes, buffering your psychological safety means assigning new, more positive meaning to the experiences you have at work.