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Changing Your Perspective Leva App Changing Your Perspective Leva App

Imposter Syndrome

It’s important to be humble and to be honest about where you have room to grow. But when you trust yourself to keep learning and improving, there’s no need to ever feel like an imposter. You are worthy of all the wonderful things that come your way. And it’s up to you to believe it.

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Changing Your Perspective Leva App Changing Your Perspective Leva App

Thinking vs. Doing

Resilience is the willingness to be uncomfortable in the pursuit of your goals. Sometimes it’s the discomfort itself that shows you’re on the right track to growth and expansion. While thinking-mode might keep you safe in your comfort zone, doing-mode is what will help you become all that you’re meant to be.

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Changing Your Perspective Leva App Changing Your Perspective Leva App

Releasing Family Stress

When you think of family interactions, what feelings come up? You may feel pressured or overwhelmed. You may feel competitive or jealous. You may feel criticized or defensive. Take a moment to explore what you are feeling when it comes to family interactions. Allow these feelings and thought to come in and observe them without judgment, and then let them go.

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