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How to Prevent Tearing During Childbirth: Expert Tips and Real Stories from Moms
Childbirth can bring challenges like perineal tearing or ripping, but there are proven ways to reduce the risk. Techniques such as perineal massage, warm compresses, pelvic floor exercises, and mindful pushing can prepare your body for a smoother delivery. Discover expert-backed tips and inspiring mom stories to help you feel empowered and ready for childbirth.

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
Good news for all the moms-to-be out there! Have you heard about the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA)? It’s a law that makes it easier for pregnant workers to get the accommodations they need to do their jobs. It was passed in 2023 and went into effect in June 2023.

How to Cope With Pregnancy Loss
Pregnancy loss is a heartbreaking and emotional experience that can have devastating physical and psychological impacts. It can be extremely difficult to cope with the pain and grief of losing a much-wanted baby. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer for how to heal from a pregnancy loss, you can take steps to help yourself work through the emotions and learn how to cope in the aftermath.

Postpartum Body Changes
When you’re pregnant, it seems as if all you’re focused on is making sure that your baby is healthy, and is growing according to all the expected milestones. However, your body has also gone through an enormous transformation during pregnancy and after delivery, but your health often gets put on the backburner as you worry about caring for your new baby and trying to navigate life on very little sleep. Many women struggle postpartum because they feel so unprepared to deal with all the new changes to their physicality, and end up anxious, depressed, and overwhelmed.

Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy
Pregnancy and lower back pain are almost synonymous. It is common to experience stiffness and aching that sometimes refers down into the buttocks, hips and legs. Back pain usually starts in the second trimester of pregnancy and sometimes only remits once your baby is born.