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Troubling Emotions
Meditation is a powerful means for exploring troubling emotions, allowing us to mentally label them. Labeling our emotions helps us to cut the attachment with these negative emotions and develop healthy responses to them. When you go inwards and fully experience these emotions without judgment, you become disentangled or “unstuck”.

Control the Controllable
When you’re experiencing a crisis or going through a difficult time, coping with the uncertainty of a situation can be really hard. Most of us crave predictability. We thrive on structure and want to know what’s going to happen, when it’s going to happen, and what the outcome will be. We want to be in control. Think back on your life and how continuously doing exercise improves your muscle strength. Practicing controlling only those things in your life over which you do have control is the same.

How does Meditation Improve Sleep?
We all know the impact that a night of poor sleep has on our daily performance. That is why insomnia and other sleep disorders mean a real threat to our well-being and can aggravate stressful situations. Sleeping problems are common during pregnancy and postpartum, which can lead to great discomfort and stress. Meditation has been associated with positive changes in sleep patterns and has been proven a solid alternative to traditional insomnia treatments.

Guided Meditation
Life can be overwhelming and stressful, especially when we are projecting stress from the past into the future. Meditation is a powerful practice that can bring you back to the present moment and allow you to objectively view your mental and emotional processes. This has the effect of creating new neural pathways that increase your empathy, compassion, self-awareness, and improve your ability to learn, plan and make clear decisions. Guided meditations are especially useful for beginners, and can help direct you to develop an effective meditation practice.