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Bonding Takes Time: Understanding A Feeling of Disconnection in Pregnancy
The uncertainty of what lies ahead is a significant factor for first-time mothers. The human brain is wired to generate a certain feeling of tension and even some nervousness when facing that is unknown to us, and pregnancy epitomizes a profound leap into new experiences. It’s natural for this uncertainty to affect the bonding process as you’re preparing for a life-changing event without a clear roadmap.

Breastfeeding Without Lactation
What a powerful experience for these two moms to get the bonding moments of both breastfeeding their baby even though neither one of their bodies were making milk. To them, it was their ideal feeding plan and it brought them so much joy. This story teaches us that roadblocks as major as breasts that aren't lactating don't have to stop you from having the feeding experience that means the most to you.

Healing Through Baby Blues: Although common, the emotional toll can't be ignored.
It's completely normal to feel the baby blues after giving birth. In fact, Johns Hopkins University reports that about 85% of new moms go through this emotional rollercoaster. It's easy to brush these feelings aside as just part of the journey, thinking they don't really need attention or support. But here's the thing: even the so-called "normal" baby blues can significantly affect those precious early weeks with your newborn.

Empowered Women: Listening to Ourselves
Throughout history, women have faced great societal pressure, which made it challenging for
them to follow their own instincts. However, as times change and women become more
empowered, it is essential for each woman to recognize the importance of listening to herself
rather than succumbing to the opinions of others. By honing in on our inner voice, women
can begin to make better life decisions that align with our goals, dreams, and overall well-
being. In this article, we will explore why women should trust their own judgment when
making life choices.

Women Supporting Women
Countless women around the world face unthinkable horrors on a daily basis. They fight to keep their freedom in the face of devastating challenges. You can just click on any news channel and witness stories of gender bias, shameful neglect, and horrific abuse. What is even more frightening is just how many women in my vicinity still suffer in silence.
We all need as much support from our “sisters” who know and understand the depth of our struggles.

Postpartum Body Changes
When you’re pregnant, it seems as if all you’re focused on is making sure that your baby is healthy, and is growing according to all the expected milestones. However, your body has also gone through an enormous transformation during pregnancy and after delivery, but your health often gets put on the backburner as you worry about caring for your new baby and trying to navigate life on very little sleep. Many women struggle postpartum because they feel so unprepared to deal with all the new changes to their physicality, and end up anxious, depressed, and overwhelmed.

Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy
Pregnancy and lower back pain are almost synonymous. It is common to experience stiffness and aching that sometimes refers down into the buttocks, hips and legs. Back pain usually starts in the second trimester of pregnancy and sometimes only remits once your baby is born.

Diastasis Recti Exercises
During pregnancy, our bodies do a lot of incredible things to accommodate our growing baby. Our abdomen muscles expand and separate as the linea alba (or connective tissue between the abdominis recti muscle) stretches. After giving birth, you may notice an indentation in the middle of your belly, in the region of your “six-pack” area. For some moms, this separation is excessive and is known as diastasis recti.

Postpartum Exercises
After the birth of your baby, there’s a good chance that you are keen to get moving again but are feeling overwhelmed with all the new challenges the postpartum period presents. You may be reeling from pregnancy hormones, swelling in your feet, excess weight, and a heavy feeling in your pelvic floor, never mind recovering from a C-section, diastasis recti, or postpartum depression.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Prolapse is a common condition where the pelvic organs (such as the bladder, uterus, and sometimes bowel) drop down into the vaginal space. About a third of all women are affected by prolapse or similar conditions over their lifetime. It can be a devastating condition that affects one's emotional health and causes social discomfort and isolation. The good news is that in most cases, it can be successfully treated.