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Pockets of Peace Complete Catalog
Begin Again
No matter how your day is going, this is a powerful moment to reset and begin again. In fact, every moment is a new beginning. You just have to choose a fresh start.
Dreaming is a Form of Planning
Envision a vast, night sky with glittering stars. This infinite sky represents the Universe of possibilities for your future. For the next few moments, let yourself dream.
Mindset - Prepare for Challenges
Believing that you will overcome any obstacles that arise is the key to remaining positive and realistic about your goals.
The Power of the Mind - Perspective
As you tune in with your body, your emotions, and your thoughts, notice if you could just witness the way you are in this moment with no desire to change it.
Inevitability of Success
When you choose to be creative and resilient, when you decide to never give up, your success is guaranteed.
Tips for Creating Balance 3: Be Fully Present
With practice, you’ll get the hang of keeping your attention focused in the moment. And when you do, it will seem as if every moment is more vivid, more intentional, and more special.
Just Start!
If today was your only day on earth, what would you be inspired to start? What hesitation would you push through? What action would you take?
Outer vs Inner Worlds
If your inner world is filled with beauty and joy, there’s no amount of outer circumstances that can disturb your peace. Your inner world is what gives you resilience, hope, depth, and meaning.
The Gap of a Thousand Miles
In today’s world, you can bridge the gap of a thousand miles in the blink of an eye. You can learn from teachers across the globe. You can find connection and support from people you’ve never met in person.
Workplace Dynamics for Women - The Same Standards
While some qualities can be perceived as more masculine or more feminine, men, women, and non-binary people all exhibit both masculine and feminine traits. Each person has a unique blend of these qualities that should be honored and respected.
Sleep Meditation - Releasing the Stress of the Day
Your mind might be filled with thoughts about your day or thoughts about tomorrow. Let’s envision that a cool clear waterfall of light is cascading down above your head and flowing like a river through your body. Relax into this waterfall and allow your thoughts to be suspended.
Meaning over Happiness
Though you may be seeking happiness in your life, a more worthwhile quest is to seek meaning.
Everything is Rigged in Your Favor
How do you know you need the things that happen in your life? Because they ask you to grow, to cooperate, to learn, and to become a better person each day.
Demonstrating Confidence
People are reacting to you based on their own fears, limitations, and setbacks, and their reactions actually have very little to do with you. Rather than trying to get a certain response from others, it’s more important to be focused on what inspires you.
Empathy - Cultivating Kindness Towards Yourself
The mind tends to judge and push away negative feelings because it wants to be positive, caring, and hopeful. In actuality, the kindest thing you can do for yourself is to let your painful emotions be felt.
Navigating Good and Bad
Let’s practice detaching from the labels of “good” and “bad” in the mind and, instead, listen for a clearer voice of wisdom. While your mind is constantly thinking and analyzing, your heart is knowing.
Our Mind is the Biggest Challenge to Happiness
What if happiness actually exists beyond the mind? And the reason why the mind has never successfully achieved happiness before is because happiness isn’t in the mind’s job description.
Troubling Emotions
Although it may seem like something is going wrong when you are feeling troubling emotions, there is actually nothing to fix or change.
Cultivate an Audacious Sense of Self
Do you know how powerful your mind truly is? It’s the writer of your story, the director of your movie. If you want something in your life to change, first you must change your mind.