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Surviving the Holidays with a Newborn: 10 Tips for New Parents
Navigating the holidays with a newborn can be overwhelming, from endless visitors to unsolicited advice. This guide offers practical tips to tackle the top 10 challenges new parents face during the festive season, helping you create joyful memories while protecting your sanity.

The Ultimate Black Friday “Wish-List” For Expecting and New Moms.
Navigating the world of baby products can be overwhelming for new and expecting parents. That's why the experienced therapists and consultants at Leva have curated this Black Friday wish list, filled with tried-and-true items to support you and your little one. From soothing sleep solutions and efficient feeding essentials to developmental toys and postpartum recovery must-haves, this list offers everything you need to embrace parenthood with confidence and joy. Take advantage of Black Friday deals and invest in products that prioritize your baby's well-being and make your journey as a parent smoother and more enjoyable.

From Baby Brain to Boardroom Badass: Rekindling Your Work Mojo After Baby
Let's be honest, the transition back to work after having a baby can feel utterly overwhelming. It's completely normal to experience a dip in motivation, fueled by a mix of exhaustion, hormonal changes, and the emotional (and physical) weight of juggling it all.

Own Your Success: Ditching Self-Sabotage for Working Women
The empowering truth is: We are enough. We don’t need to have it all. That’s not even possible. We need to simply acknowledge and believe that we are deserving of success and happiness in our professional and personal lives.

When Joy is Overshadowed: Understanding Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression is a formidable opponent, but with the right support and resources, it is one that you can overcome. By acknowledging your feelings, seeking help, and embracing the support of loved ones, you can start to reclaim the joy that belongs to you and your journey through motherhood.

A New Way to Navigate the Contradictions of New Motherhood
Motherhood is full of unknowns. It's a constant juggle, from figuring out feeding and sleep schedules to balancing family and work life. Dialectical thinking allows us to explore these uncertainties with a more open and adaptable mindset. It's about understanding that sometimes there's no single 'right' answer, and that's perfectly fine.

Bonding Takes Time: Understanding A Feeling of Disconnection in Pregnancy
The uncertainty of what lies ahead is a significant factor for first-time mothers. The human brain is wired to generate a certain feeling of tension and even some nervousness when facing that is unknown to us, and pregnancy epitomizes a profound leap into new experiences. It’s natural for this uncertainty to affect the bonding process as you’re preparing for a life-changing event without a clear roadmap.

Breastfeeding Without Lactation
What a powerful experience for these two moms to get the bonding moments of both breastfeeding their baby even though neither one of their bodies were making milk. To them, it was their ideal feeding plan and it brought them so much joy. This story teaches us that roadblocks as major as breasts that aren't lactating don't have to stop you from having the feeding experience that means the most to you.

Healing Through Baby Blues: Although common, the emotional toll can't be ignored.
It's completely normal to feel the baby blues after giving birth. In fact, Johns Hopkins University reports that about 85% of new moms go through this emotional rollercoaster. It's easy to brush these feelings aside as just part of the journey, thinking they don't really need attention or support. But here's the thing: even the so-called "normal" baby blues can significantly affect those precious early weeks with your newborn.

Breastfeeding in Netherlands
The best part about having a baby in the Netherlands, which goes hand in hand with their very naturalistic approach to early motherhood, is the enormous support when it comes to breastfeeding.

“You’re Cleared!” Postpartum Sex: What to Expect and How to Prepare
You are just now feeling semi-human again at your 6-week appointment, and your doctor clears you for SEX… Now what??